“Participation of B.Medical INDUSTRIES in Dubai Arab Health 2022 Exhibition”

“Participation of B.Medical INDUSTRIES in Dubai Arab Health 2022 Exhibition”

The UAE hosts the Arab Health Conference and the exhibition is considered an opportunity for international companies looking to the Dubai market to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, to market their products of medical devices, equipment and smart solutions, especially since the Middle East and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries are witnessing growth of more than 10% annually.

Most of the exhibiting companies this year are focusing on artificial intelligence programs, telemedicine programs, and other smart solutions, especially after the global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the accompanying collapse of some health care systems in many countries of the world.

During its participation in the conference, B.Medical INDUSTRIES will be able to build strategic relationships with new customers and expand its business network in Dubai and Africa . Additionally, this opportunity will allow the company to explore new business opportunities and exchange expertise with local and international medical companies.

UAE Ministry of Health and Community Protection will review a package of innovative digital services, under the slogan “The Future of Health Leadership,” and in line with the Ministry’s strategy in anticipating the future, to develop health information systems, and apply global standards in infrastructure management. In health facilities, and developing appropriate technology to manage the health system.

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